
A TV show we have been watching had one of the classic lines during a police interrogation last night. The police told a guy what they wanted and he answered, “What’s in it for me?” Classic.

Reminded me of a study I was attending with some guys from a local church. We were going through Ephesians and, as if planned, we had to stop meeting at the end of chapter 3 due to the mandatory distancing. If we met one more week, we would have found God is all backwards. God answers our question of “what’s in it for me” first, then He says what we need to do. Walk Worthy. Walk worthy of our rights, privileges, honors, riches. Two simple words, Walk Worthy of our calling.

I would like to continue with the men from that church each week so we can look at how to walk worthy, but if not, I hope they learn how to walk worthy of their calling.