The pieces

Shared this with a very close couple I know. I hope they don’t mind me sharing it with whoever will read this. I think it is a very true statement:

The picture on the puzzle box is what we want the pieces to make. We take the pieces out and begin to sort. All the pieces we need are there. We begin to put some together. Perhaps the borders are simpler because at least one side is smooth, easy. These are the fun times. We like those times. We combine similar colors. Easy, these are the areas that seem so easy to deal with. There are some pieces that are so jagged it seems they will never come together. Those are the parts that are so tough we tend to want to give up and toss all the pieces. Through persistence and tough going, with frustration and sometimes pain, the picture begins to come together. Finally, if we stick with it, the picture is complete. We look at it and feel so blessed. Then? Then we take the puzzle and put all the pieces in the box. That was only one area of our life. Time to begin another one. Life is not a puzzle. It is a series of puzzles. We need to work together to take each area of our lives from jagged pieces to many beautiful pictures. It will never stop, just will get easier and more rewarding.

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I am a man in continual transition. I am married to a wonderful woman. Between us, we have seven children. One of my full time jobs is establishing and repairing and reestablishing relationships with all of them. I am retired from ASU. I am looking forward to what God has in store for me next. I have found that direction, strength, forgiveness and redemption are so important and they only can come from God through Jesus Christ covered by His Spirit.

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